Annual schedule for a Kabushiki-Kaisha under the Companies Act

Below is an example of an annual schedule for a Kabushiki-Kaisha (private company), a company with a board of directors, and a company with corporate auditor(s).
The schedule may differ for companies that have a two-month deadline for filing corporate tax returns or for companies that have other provisions in their Articles of Incorporation regarding the convocation period, etc.

Date Statutory Limit/ Period Board of Directors Auditor

(Beginning of Fiscal Year)

Immediately after the end of fiscal year

Creation of Financial Statements (Balance Sheet, Profit and Loss Statement, Statements of Changes in Net Assets, Tables of Explanatory Notes) and Business Reports, and  Detailed Statements of those respectively  
Jan-31   Submission of above to auditors Creation of Audit Reports
Feb-2 no later than eight weeks prior to the day of the shareholders meeting Deadline for shareholders to exercise their right to exercise agenda and proposal rights and to request notice of agenda items  
Mar-1 By the latest of the following
(i) 4 weeks from the date of receipt of the business report
(ii) 1 week from the date of receipt of the supplementary schedules
(iii) Date agreed with the specified director

・Notification of audit report to specified directors
・Consent to the Proposal for Appointment of Auditors

Mar-3 no later than 1 week prior to the day of the Board meeting Dispatch of Convene Letter  
Mar-11 Immediately after the receipt of auditor report

・Approvement of audited Financial Statements  and Business Reports, and  Detailed Statements of those 
・Determination of the agenda item for the distribution of retained earnings
・Convening of general meeting of shareholders and determination of agenda items
・Creation and keeping of minutes of Board of Directors meetings

Mar-16 no later than 2 weeks prior to the day of the shareholders meeting keeping of audited Financial Statements  and Business Reports, and  Detailed Statements of those   
Mar-23 no later than 1 week prior to the day of the shareholders meeting

・Dispatch of notice of convocation, annexed materials, reference documents, etc.
・Sending of dividend notices and related materials
・Dispatch of convocation notices of board of directors meetings (or dispatch letters of consent of shortening the convocation period of the meeting to candidates directors)

Mar-27 no later than 3 days prior to the day of the shareholders meeting Deadline for notice of non-uniform exercise of voting rights  
Mar-30 By the end of the immediately preceding business hours Deadline for submission of voting form  

1. Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders
2. Ordinary Board of Directors Meeting 
3. Determination of Auditors

1. Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders
・Approvement of audited Financial Statements  and Business Reports, and  Detailed Statements of those 
・Election of Officers
・Approvement of remunerations of appointed officers (Maximum Amount)

2. Ordinary Board of Directors Meeting 
・Appointment of Representative Director 
・Approvement of remunerations of each Directors
・Determination of executive directors, appointment of substitutes in case of accident, etc.
・Approvement of Liability Limitation Agreement with Non-Executive Directors, etc.

3.Determination of Auditors
・Approvement of remunerations of each Auditors

4. Creation and Keeping of the minutes of the shareholders’ meeting and board meeting, the voting form and the proxy letter

5. Reservation of Kampo

Apr-1   Beginning of Q2    
 Apr-15 Immediately after the Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders Public notice of account settlement  
 Apr-15 no later than 2 weeks from the effective day of the changes in registry Corporate Registration (e.g., Changes in Officers, etc.)  
 Jun-22 no later than 1 week prior to the day of the Board meeting Dispatch of Convene Letter  
 Jun-30 End of Q2   Board of Directors Meeting for the Executive Directors Report   
 Jul-1 Beginning of Q3    
 Sep-22 no later than 1 week prior to the day of the Board meeting Dispatch of Convene Letter  
Sep-30 End of Q3 Board of Directors Meeting for the Executive Directors Report   
 Oct-1 Beginning of Q4    
 Dec-23 no later than 1 week prior to the day of the Board meeting Dispatch of Convene Letter  

(End of Fiscal Year)

End of Q4 

Board of Directors Meeting for the Executive Directors Report   



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