Post-establishment Procedures: Taxation Documents

Filing Taxation Documents after Incorporation 

Various types of documents must be filed to various government agencies after incorporating the company in Japan, and some of these documents have submission deadlines. Therefore, it is advisable to prepare in advance to avoid any rush after incorporation. If you have any reliable tax accountant, it is better ask him/ her to take care of these procedures for you.

If you reside in Japan and have a ”My Number Card”, then you can use the National Tax Agency’s “One-Stop Service for Incorporation” system to complete all procedures at once (*only in Japanese).

Main documents that must be filed to the local tax office

*If you file the documents by mail or at the counter, please be sure to submit two copies of the documents and ask the government agencies to send one back to you with a reception stamp.

1-1. Notification of Corporation Establishment (法人設立届出書) for National Tax office

This document must be submitted when a Kabushiki-Kaisha or Godo-Kaisha is established in Japan.
Where to submit: The National Tax Office where the head office is located.
Due date: Within 2 months from the date of incorporation
Documents to be attached: A copy of an Articles of Incorporation, Certificate of corporate registry, Shareholders registry, Balance Sheet at the time of incorporation

1-2. Notification of Corporation Establishment (法人設立届出書) for prefectural tax office

Where to submit: Prefectural Tax Office where the head office is located
Due date: Varies by prefecture. E.g.) Tokyo: Within 15 days from the date of incorporation
Documents to be attached: A copy of Articles of Incorporation, Certificate of corporate registry

1-3. Notification of Corporation Establishment (法人設立届出書) for Municipality: cities, towns and villages

*Notification is not required if the company is established within the 23 wards of Tokyo.
Where to submit: Municipality office where head office is located
Due date: Varies depending on the municipality. E.g.) Outside the 23 wards of Tokyo: Within 2 months from the date of incorporation
Documents to be attached: Copy of Articles of Incorporation, Certificate of corporate registry

Download Document: Tokyo Bureau of Taxation
(Pg. 1: To the national tax office Pg. 2: To the prefecture Pg. 3: To the municipality Pg. 4: your copy)
Sample description in English: National Tax Agency

2. Application Form for Approval of Filing Blue Return(青色申告の承認申請書)

If you submit this application, you can receive various taxation benefits include a special deduction of up to 650,000 JPY and the ability to deduct net losses from income for three years from the following year. Almost all companies file this form.
Where to submit: National Tax Office where head office is located
Due date (*As on May 29, 2022. Please confirm the latest information at National Tax Agency’s website):
It is highly recommended to submit the application with the “Notification of Corporation Establishment” as fast as possible.
A) If there are more than three months remaining in the first fiscal year:
One day before the day three months have elapsed since the date of establishment.
Establishment Date: April 1 (End of fiscal year: December 31)
=Deadline: June 30
If there are less than 3 months remaining in the first fiscal year:
One day before the end of the first fiscal year
Establishment Date: April 1 (End of fiscal year: June 30)
Deadline: June 29
Documents to be attached: None
Download Document: National Tax Agency
Sample description in English: National Tax Agency

3. Notification of Establishment/Relocation/Closure of a Salary-Paying Office (給与支払事務所等の開設届出書)

This document is submitted when when remuneration or salaries are paid to officers, employees, etc.
Where to submit: National Tax office of the salary payment office, etc.
Due date: Within one month from the date of incorporation
Documents to be attached: None
Download Document: National Tax Agency
Sample description in English: National Tax Agency

4. Application for Approval Made in Relation to the Special Provision for Due Dates for Withholding Income Tax (源泉所得税の納期の特例の承認に関する申請書)

The withholding income tax must be originally paid monthly by the 10th of the following month after collection. However, by submitting this application, it can be paid once in every six months:
From January to June⇒ Due date: July, 10th
From July to December⇒ Due date: January 20th of the following year.
Where to submit: National Tax office of the salary payment office, etc.
Due date: None.
Note: This provision is applied from the salaries paid in the month following the date of submission. Thus, the amount collected in the month of submission shall be paid on the 10th of the following month.
E.g.) Effective as from May
Due date : April 30
For April’s withholding income tax: Paid by May 10
For May to June withholding income tax: Paid by July 10
For July to December withholding income tax: Paid by January 20 of the following year.
Documents to be attached: None
Download Document: National Tax Agency
Sample description in English: National Tax Agency

Other documents that must be filed to the local tax office when necessary

English Sample Description for other documents: National Tax Agency

◆ Notification of Inventory Asset Valuation Method (棚卸資産の評価方法の届出書)

If the company has inventories of goods, products, raw materials, etc., this form is to be submitted in order to select the valuation method. If not submitted, the “last purchase price method (最終仕入原価法による原価法)” (= the method of valuing at the unit price of the last acquired item in the fiscal year) will be used.
Due date: By the deadline for filing the first tax return (within 2 months after the last day of the fiscal year)
Documents to be attached: None
Download Document: National Tax Agency
Sample description in English: National Tax Agency

Notification of Depreciation Method for Depreciable Assets (減価償却費資産の償却方法の届出書)

This is a document to select a depreciation method if you own fixed assets. If not submitted the notification, then the “declining balance method (定率法)” will be adopted.
Due date: By the deadline for submitting the tax return for the first fiscal year (within 2 months after the last day of the fiscal year)
Documents to be attached: None
Download Document: National Tax Agency
Sample description in English: National Tax Agency

Notification of Calculation Method for Book Value per Unit of Securities (有価証券の一単位当たりの帳簿価額の算出方法の届出書)

This is a document for selecting a method for calculating the book value per unit of securities. If not submitted, the moving average method (移動平均法) will be adopted.
Due date: Before the due date of filing the first tax return (within 2 months after the last day of the fiscal year)
Documents to be attached: None
Download Document: National Tax Agency
Sample description in English: National Tax Agency


For a Kabushiki-Kaisha or Godo-Kaisha with a capital of 10 million JPY or less and 10 or less employees, he main documents required to be submitted to the tax office after incorporation are as follows:
1. Notification of Corporation Establishment
2. Application Form for Approval of Filing Blue Return
3. Notification of Establishment/Relocation/Closure of a Salary-Paying Office
4. Application for Approval Made in Relation to the Special Provision for Due Dates for Withholding Income Tax

Other documents to be submitted vary depending on the size and nature of the business.
These documents have submission deadlines, so if you are at a loss to decide, it is highly recommended to rely on the local tax accountant.

MK@ 05/29/2022


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